Are you a history buff curious about rare coins? Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing. This small copper coin holds a wealth of history within its modest size, offering a glimpse into the economic landscape of 17th-century Britain. Let’s uncover the story behind this intriguing piece of numismatic treasure and explore its significance in the context of the era.

As we examine the intricate details and symbolism etched into the surface of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing, we’ll unravel the mysteries that make this coin a prized collectible among numismatists. From the portrait of the ruling monarch to the intricate design elements, each aspect of the coin tells a unique tale of the time in which it was minted. Join us on a journey through history as we uncover the secrets of this rare and valuable artifact.

History of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing

Let’s dive into the fascinating history of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing. Minted during the reign of King Charles II, this small copper coin holds a wealth of historical significance.

  • 1679 Farthing Minting: The production of the 1679 Farthing took place at the London mint. These coins were struck with care and precision, showcasing the craftsmanship of the era.
  • Economic Context: During the late 17th century, Britain was undergoing significant economic changes. The 1679 Farthing provides a glimpse into the trade and commerce of the time, serving as a tangible artifact of this transformative period.
  • Symbolism and Design: The intricate details on the 1679 Farthing reflect the values and beliefs of the era. From the portrait of King Charles II to the symbolic imagery, each element tells a story of the political and cultural landscape of Great Britain in 1679.

Delve deeper into the past as we unravel more about the 1679 Great Britain Farthing and its enduring legacy in numismatics.

Significance in 17th-century Britain

In the bustling world of 17th-century Britain, currency played a crucial role in everyday transactions and trade. The 1679 Great Britain Farthing was no exception, serving as a means of exchange for goods and services across the kingdom. With its intricate design and symbolic imagery, the farthing not only facilitated commerce but also reflected the political and cultural landscape of the era.

During this time, England was experiencing significant economic changes, including the rise of mercantilism and the growth of trade networks. The 1679 Farthing bore witness to these transformations, embodying the wealth and prosperity that fueled the country’s expansion. Its depiction of King Charles II on the obverse symbolized the monarch’s authority and the stability of the royal government, reassuring people in uncertain times.

Beyond its monetary value, the 1679 Farthing carried symbolic weight, representing unity and loyalty to the crown. The inscription “Carolus II Dei Gratia” (Charles II by the Grace of God) underscored the divine right of kingship, reinforcing the belief in the monarch’s legitimacy. As such, the farthing served not just as a medium of exchange but also as a potent symbol of power and sovereignty in a society shaped by monarchical rule.

In the realm of numismatics, the 1679 Great Britain Farthing remains a prized artifact, offering a window into the past and a tangible connection to 17th-century Britain. Its enduring legacy underscores the enduring fascination with history and the importance of understanding the significance of coins beyond their monetary value.

Design Elements and Symbolism

When examining the 1679 Great Britain Farthing, one cannot ignore its intricate design elements and symbolism. The front side of the coin features the bust of the reigning monarch, King Charles II, facing right. This portrayal not only served as a representation of the monarch’s authority but also acted as a form of propaganda, emphasizing the power and legitimacy of the crown.

On the reverse side, one can find the image of Britannia, a symbol deeply ingrained in British numismatic history. Britannia, depicted as a warrior woman with a trident and shield, embodies the strength and resilience of the nation. The inclusion of this powerful figure on the farthing underscored the unity and loyalty of the people to the monarchy and the country as a whole.

The symbolism behind the 1679 Great Britain Farthing extends beyond mere representation. It reflects the political climate of the time, emphasizing the importance of loyalty to the crown and the divine right of kingship. The design elements, from the monarch’s bust to Britannia, were carefully chosen to convey a message of power, unity, and national identity.

Collectibility and Value

When it comes to Collectibility and Value of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing, enthusiasts and numismatists are often intrigued by its historical significance and aesthetic appeal. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Rarity: The 1679 Farthing is sought after by collectors due to its limited mintage and historical relevance.
  • Condition: The value of the coin can vary significantly based on its condition. Uncirculated pieces command higher prices compared to those with signs of wear.
  • Historical Value: As a coin minted during the reign of King Charles II, the 1679 Farthing holds historical value, making it a desirable addition to many collections.
  • Market Demand: The popularity of collecting historical coins has increased over the years, contributing to the demand for coins like the 1679 Farthing.
  • Value Trends: Numismatic values of coins can fluctuate based on market trends and collector preferences. Staying informed about these trends can help collectors make informed decisions.
  • Authentication: Due to the potential for counterfeit coins in the market, it’s essential to acquire coins from reputable sources and consider professional authentication if needed.

The Collectibility and Value of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing are influenced by factors such as rarity, condition, historical significance, market demand, value trends, and authentication processes. Understanding these aspects can enhance the appreciation of this historical coin within the numismatic community.

Unraveling the Mysteries

When delving into the world of numismatics, we often encounter mysteries that surround coins like the 1679 Great Britain Farthing. Research is key to unlocking these mysteries, discovering the stories behind each coin, and unraveling their significance.

With the 1679 Great Britain Farthing, key aspects such as its historical context, minting process, and design elements hold clues to its allure and value. By closely examining the coin’s details, one can appreciate the craftsmanship of the era and the nuances that make each piece unique.

Furthermore, investigating the rarity and market trends of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing can shed light on its demand and collectibility. By staying informed about these factors, collectors gain a deeper understanding of the coin’s standing within the numismatic community.

Exploring authentication processes is also crucial in demystifying the world of coin collecting. Understanding how to verify the authenticity of a 1679 Great Britain Farthing not only ensures its value but also protects collectors from potential counterfeits.

In essence, unraveling the mysteries of the 1679 Great Britain Farthing requires diligence, research, and a keen eye for detail. By delving into these aspects, we enrich our appreciation for this historical coin and deepen our connection to the fascinating world of numismatics.

Key Takeaways

  • 1679 Great Britain Farthing: A small copper coin minted during King Charles II’s reign, offering insights into 17th-century British history.
  • History and Economic Context: The coin showcases craftsmanship, economic changes, and trade dynamics of late 17th-century Britain.
  • Symbolism and Design: The intricate details and symbolism on the farthing reflect cultural and political values of the era.
  • Significance: Beyond its monetary value, the coin symbolized royal authority, unity, and loyalty in a society shaped by monarchical rule.
  • Design Elements and Symbolism: Features the bust of King Charles II and Britannia, conveying messages of power, unity, and national identity.
  • Collectibility and Value: Factors influencing the coin’s value include rarity, condition, historical significance, market demand, value trends, and authentication.


Understanding the historical context, minting process, design elements, rarity, and market trends of coins like the 1679 Great Britain Farthing is crucial for appreciating their craftsmanship and uniqueness. Through thorough research and exploration of authentication processes, we deepen our connection to the world of numismatics and enhance our appreciation for these historical treasures. By delving into these aspects, we not only protect ourselves from counterfeits but also enrich our collecting experience. The journey of uncovering the mysteries behind these coins adds a layer of intrigue and excitement to our numismatic pursuits. Let’s continue to delve deeper into the world of coins and uncover the stories they hold.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of research in understanding the 1679 Great Britain Farthing?

Research is crucial for uncovering the historical context, minting process, design elements, rarity, and market trends of the coin, enhancing appreciation for its craftsmanship and uniqueness.

Why is exploring authentication processes important for collectors?

Authentication processes are vital for verifying the coin’s authenticity, safeguarding collectors from counterfeits, and ensuring the integrity of their collections.

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